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volcanion and shiny bird trio
i have an extra volcanion and im willing to trade it oh and i also have the legendary bird trio from gen 1 and they are all shiny if that interests you guys
What for?
Your number one flying-type trainer!
:D Any offers most likely a shiny
Sure, I can give you one.
Your number one flying-type trainer!
you got a shiny solosis? if not i will get others or ask for a legendary
I don't have one, I'm sorry. Anything else?
Your number one flying-type trainer!
you got a meloetta keldeo or scorupi/ gallade?
I have a Skorupi and a Gallade, but they aren't shiny.
Your number one flying-type trainer!
um how bout you tell me what you have?
I have the following shinies that I am willing to trade:

Galvantula, Mime Jr., and Druddigon.
Your number one flying-type trainer!

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