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Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - Printable Version

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RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - Jameso657 - Feb 11, 2015

Kyurem-White (No Nickname) | No Gender
Turboblaze | Modest | 31/0/31/31/31/31 | Draco Meteor, Blizzard, Earth Power, Fusion Flare
James | ID: 65480 | Master Ball (If not, Premier Ball)
Not Shiny | 50 | Pentagon | US

Kyogre (No Nickname) | No Gender
Drizzle | Modest| 31/0/31/31/31/31 | Water Spout, Ice Beam, Thunder, Protect
James | ID: 65480 | Dive Ball
Yes, Shiny | 50 | Pentagon | US

IGN: James
FC: 2895 9344 4127

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - Denny - Feb 13, 2015

Hydreigon (No nickname) | Male
Levitate | Timid | 31/31/31/31/31 | Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse
Denny | ID: 55467 | Dusk Ball
Yes, Shiny | 50 | Pentagon | UK

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - seabass_14 - Feb 14, 2015

Milotic (None) | Female
Competitive | Bold | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Scald Recover Protect Ice Beam
SEABASS | 62915 | Pokeball
Non-Shiny | 100 | Pentagon | English

This is for my 1st Competitive Team Ever
Thanks a lot
FC: 2337 5726 0268

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - The_Shiny_Crobat - Feb 14, 2015

Diancie (No Nickname) Genderless
Clear Body | Hasty |31/31/31/31/31/31 |Protect, Diamond Storm, Moonblast, Earth Power
OT: OCT2014 | ID: 10274 | Cherish Ball
No Shiny | 50 | pentagon | US
Ign Orange FC 0834-2072-0263

SIDE NOTE - I have a Legit diancie, and I think it'd be better if I give you that diancie so you can Edit it to make it's stats and ev's better, so it's still legal online, but battle worthy. Unless you have a way of making it legal or something. Thanks.

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - ConnorJBeer - Feb 15, 2015

As a Powersaver of this thread, I'll be taking requests on Wednesdays and Thursdays, you can find me on Twitch in TheReplayFlynn, or Just drop me a pm, I'll be sure to check my pms on those days to help people out, so your welcome.

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - xclarice - Feb 15, 2015

a question, so i gotten a shiny 6iv feraligatr and cobalion in wt however they arent kalos born (no blue pentagon)

is this possible to be changed with powersave? ;/

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - TheGreenHornut - Feb 15, 2015

Politoed (GreenBean) | Female
Drizzle | Quiet| 31/31/31/31/31/0 | Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Protect, Scald
Connor| ID: 50722 | Dive Ball
Yes, Shiny | 50 | Pentagon | UK

Kangaskhan (BigMomma) | Female
Scrappy |Jolly| 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Fake Out, Return, Sucker Punch, Power-Up Punch
Connor| ID: 50723 | Premier Ball
Yes, Shiny | 50 | Pentagon | UK

Reuniclus (Paul) | Female
Overcoat |Sassy| 31/31/31/31/31/0 | Psyshock, Helping Hand, Trick Room, Protect
Connor| ID: 50724 | Quick Ball
Yes, Shiny | 50 | Pentagon | UK

Mawile (Nom) | Female
Intimidate|Brave| 31/31/31/31/31/0 | Play Rough, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, Protect
Connor| ID: 50725 | Quick Ball
Yes, Shiny | 50 | Pentagon | UK

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - Vor-Techs - Feb 16, 2015

Zubat (FabBat) | Male
Infiltrator | Jolly | 31/31/31/31/31/31 | Brave Bird,Leech Life (thats all :])
Ley Froge | ID No. :04280 | Park Ball
Yes, Shiny | 1 | Pentagon | US

This would be great Smile))) (shhhhhhhhhhh dont tell my friends that it isnt legit kappa )

FC: 2981-8293-4067
IGN: Ley Froge

P.S. I have a Legit 6IV Zubat with nature and ability etc, so i was wondering if you could take it, give it brave bird and fully train it ( effort urgh) then give it back so its more legal, im notsure if that makes sense or is how it works etc so yeah, again thanks alot for this Smile)

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - Vor-Techs - Feb 16, 2015

wasnt sure whether i could put multiple on but apparently you can so ye....

Charmander (Happy B'Day) | Male
Blaze | Modest | 31,31,31,31,31,31 |Ember, Scratch (thats all :])
Ley Froge | ID No. :04280 | Luxury Ball
Yes, Shiny | 5 | Pentagon | US

Darkrai (No name) | Genderless
Bad Dreams | Modest | 31,31,31,31,31,31 | Dark Void, Dark Pulse, Nasty plot, Drain punch
Ley Froge | ID No.:04280 | Luxury Ball
No, Shiny | 100| Pentagon | US

RE: Official TheReplayFlynn Powersave Thread! - Joselpz19 - Feb 16, 2015

Suicune (Nami) | Genderless
Pressure | Bold | 31/0/31/31/31 | Scald, Snarl, icy Wind, Protect
José | ID: 01847 | DiveBall
No Shinny | 50 | Pentagon | US

Would really appreciate it
FC: 1263-7082-2147
IGN: José