Pokemon Forever
[REQUEST] perfect IV beldums for hidden ability pokemon - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [REQUEST] perfect IV beldums for hidden ability pokemon (/Thread-REQUEST-perfect-IV-beldums-for-hidden-ability-pokemon)

perfect IV beldums for hidden ability pokemon - boomshackalaka2 - Mar 20, 2016

they dont have to be competitive level doesnt matter nor does type my friend code is on the left and my ign is brian but i wont take ones i already have which consist of bulbasaur larvesta gyarados greninja cemerupt stergmite or fenniken

RE: perfect IV beldums for hidden ability pokemon - Pattyback11 - Mar 21, 2016

Do you want. Phione newly hatched?  I've been I've breeding them

also I need a  beldum