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[REQUEST] HA Magikarp please! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [REQUEST] HA Magikarp please! (/Thread-REQUEST-HA-Magikarp-please)

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HA Magikarp please! - moonsinna - Jan 8, 2016

Hey! I'm trading a HA Female Modest Eevee for a Magikarp with its HA.
I'll be refreshing this thread often so please leave your FC, add mine, and hopefully we can trade ASAP Smile

My FC is: 3110-8020-8157


RE: HA Magikarp please! - mclee2 - Jan 8, 2016

I can help you with the HA magikarp. Unfortunately it won't be perfectly bred. Do you happen to have the following pokemon? HA karrablast, HA amaura, HA tyrunt, HA shieldon, HA carbink :D

RE: HA Magikarp please! - moonsinna - Jan 9, 2016

Sadly I don't have any of those..

RE: HA Magikarp please! - mclee2 - Jan 9, 2016

Ah, well that's too bad for me. Well, I'll put Magikarp on GTS asking for the Eevee. The Magikarp will be level 1, and my IGN is Colby. Message will Rattled! :]

Edit: If you're on right now, we can trade instead. I already have another Pokemon on GTS lol

RE: HA Magikarp please! - moonsinna - Jan 9, 2016

It seems I was too slow >.< I can't find it on the GTS. If you happen to have another one would you mind adding my friend code?

RE: HA Magikarp please! - mclee2 - Jan 9, 2016

I already added you. My friend code 4356-2063-0689

RE: HA Magikarp please! - moonsinna - Jan 9, 2016

I added you as well, the name is Brendan.

RE: HA Magikarp please! - moonsinna - Jan 9, 2016

Thank you very much good sir! =)

RE: HA Magikarp please! - mclee2 - Jan 9, 2016

Thanks for the trade. Lol, I didn't know your IGN so I declined your offer the first time around. Rated you as well! have fun with the 'karp :3

RE: HA Magikarp please! - Cubby Gamer - Jan 9, 2016

(Jan 8, 2016, 11:47 PM)mclee2 Wrote: I can help you with the HA magikarp. Unfortunately it won't be perfectly bred. Do you happen to have the following pokemon? HA karrablast, HA amaura, HA tyrunt, HA shieldon, HA carbink :D

I can breed you n HA tyrunt or carbink for an HA magikarp :3