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[TRADE] Collector's Breeding Services
KappaHD Welcome to Collector's Breeding Services! KappaHD Here you can make a request for a Pokemon for me to breed, whether it is competitive or casual. For convenience sake, I keep a google doc to use throughout various websites and forums for my requests and information. When making your request, please do so in the following format:

-Twitch Name
-3DS FC and 3DS Name (the name that appears on your 3DS FC list) [This makes it easy for me to find you on my FC list]
-Egg Moves (Up to 4)
-Nickname if wanted
-IVs (up to 5ivs, will not breed 6ivs unless they happen by chance in which case they will be posted in google doc for trade)
-What you are willing to trade and any specifics on it

What I want:
Anything that makes great breeding parents or competitive mons, even if they are only just hatched. My dex is full and I even keep one of every single Pokemon in the pokedex (all 700+) as well as one of each "forms" and every single released Hidden Ability pokemon, minus legendaries, so I won't need any of those. That said, if you have any rare pokeball pokemon that are female, I will be more than happy to accept those as well.

Please do not be upset if I delete you off my FC list. Because I trade with many people, my list fills up quick so I immediately delete any FC when I am done trading. Also, I am a busy man as I work and go to classes as a full time student, plus I even need breaks every now and then. Please be patient as some of this breeding can take some time! Also, don't forget to give me a positive rating if our trades are successful!

Important Links:
My Twitch Profile
Special Pokeball Inheritance Guide
My Google Doc with my Requests and Pokemon I am able to breed <----- Click here for the list of Pokemon I can breed. Special requests are accepted.
By any chance can you breed shinys?
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
If you can breed shinies (Or not it doesn't matter) can you breed me a any pokemon that can be used in battle or competitively? I can give you some wish 5-6iv Eevee's?
I'm one of the saddest, countriest, and beautifulest Ampharos around
-Twitch Name: Don't have a Twitch
-3DS FC: 3024-7899-6553 and 3DS Name: Eugenio
-IGN: Enrique
-Pokemon: Meditite
-Nature: Adamant
-Gender: Female
-Ability: Telepathy
-Egg Moves (Up to 4): Fake Out, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, and Quick Guard
-Nickname: None
-IVs: (up to 5ivs): HP/Atk/Def/X/Sp. Def/Spd

-What you are willing to trade and any specifics on it: Female Buneary (Non-HA) in Dream Ball (4 IVs) with Fake Out, Ice Punch, Focus Punch and Fire punch as Egg Moves, Male Abra (HA) in Dusk Ball (4 IVs) with Knock Off and Fire Punch as Egg Moves, Chansey in Love Ball with Seismic Toss as Egg Move, Female/Male Togepi (Non-HA) in regular PokeBall with 5 IVs and with Stored Power and Nasty Pot as Egg Moves.

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