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A wild Trainer has appeared
Welcome to the forums bruv
Eckley is best grill
Go on and on, grow into a phenomenon
Welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of memories or somethin like that
Pokemon trainer since 2004!
welcome! feel free to give me an add
(Jan 23, 2016, 10:55 AM)Teftef Wrote: Hei there everyone! ^-^ 
I just joined up here and hope to find some rad people to talk, trade, battle, etc with :3 
I've been playing Pokemon ever since I was a little kid (which has been a long time ago x.x). 
Lately I kinda got interested into competitive battling and breeding, so I thought it's about time to join up here, learn more about above mentioned stuff and become the very best. ;D
Feel free to add me on 3DS and then let's go on an adventure together. 
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Hope you all are having a great day/evening!
Cheers from Finland.

And again thank you all! Pritchman227, I'm pretty sure I'll have a good time here. :D

@mOthchild, Tharsin and sabsak12345:
Thanks, I added you all back. Smile
WELCOME. We're all friends, friend! Greetings from the UK. Mind if I add you? :]
it's 2022 and we livin
(Jan 24, 2016, 01:26 PM)Breeder_Falkon Wrote: WELCOME. We're all friends, friend! Greetings from the UK. Mind if I add you? :]

Thanks a lot. I wouldn't mind, so feel free to add me. :3

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