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[DISCUSSION] Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Characters!!!!!!!!!!!
Which Pokemon Character are you in Pkmn Super Mystry Dngn!!!

Main Character for me; Pikachu named Bolts

partner: Piplup Named Wonder

team name; Wonderbolts

Just wanna know what you guys did!
I got Riolu w/ Pikachu as my partner. Im not that far into the game though
Formerly Sir Absol

Genning/Powersave Expert            #SylveonIsOP
(Feb 7, 2016, 05:39 PM)Sir Absol Wrote: I got Riolu w/ Pikachu as my partner. Im not that far into the game though

I am thinking of Restartin' I want to change some stuff!
I am an Oshawott named Atlas and my partner is a Charmander named Iris, my team name is: Team Olympia
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Ha! You've underestimated my stupidity.
~Virtual Polygon Duck of Team Forum~
@ChaseInfinity Nice! and can u answer my pm? Ill send it now!

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