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@NBK Niykee

Igglybuff was sent!


Yep. Thanks for your help again.

When did you deposit the Gastly? I can't find it.
IGN: Jaden
Pokemon Deposited: Scyther
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Message: Pink Pokemon!
Wanted Pokemon: Smoochum
Thank you thank you~

Smoochum has been sent, enjoy! Make sure to give it a kiss.
(Feb 10, 2016, 12:40 PM)Eugenio Wrote: @wartty

Smoochum has been sent, enjoy! Make sure to give it a kiss.

a big ol' smooch! happy valentines <3
IGN: Pasquale
Pokemon Deposited: Audino
Gender: Female
Level: 30
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: Chansey
thank you!
Hey there! Thanks for this giveaway Smile

IGN: Walter
Pokemon Deposited: Donphan
Gender: Can't enter this for some reason, so it's "any"
Level: 37
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: Swirlix
@Scasserra91 Chansey has been sent, enjoy!

@vk1012 Can't find your Donphan, you probably got snipped. :O
Add my Friend Code, I'll trade you the Swirlix.
IGN: Johee
Pokemon Deposited: Pineco
Gender: Female
Level: 13
Message: Pink Pokemon
Wanted Pokemon: Swirlix

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