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[TRADE] LF> Recent Mew event code/pokemon
Hey guys, I missed the recent mew event at gamestop just wanted to see if i could pick it up

for trade i have the following:
-shiny metagross
-shiny gengar
-shiny ditto
-shiny qwilfish
-shiny rhydon

let me know if nothing strikes your fancy I do have other shinies and such in my boxes

also feel free to request more than one of what i've listed above
region is USA btw if needed

also additonally for trade:

Shiny Natu
Shiny Zangoose
Shiny Dunsparce
Shiny Ariados
Shiny Floatzel
Shiny Cacturne
could i get some more info on the cacturne and metagross?
sure, metagross is lvl 100 naive nature, EV trained in attack from what i can remember and Cacturne is lvl 50 untouched impish nature

(Mar 4, 2016, 05:59 PM)dersook Wrote: sure, metagross is lvl 100 naive nature, EV trained in attack from what i can remember and Cacturne is lvl 50 untouched impish nature


Do you think youd be willing to let go of cacturne and deoxys? :D
Sure you can have em both, ill throw in the metagross too if you want :p
Oh your too kind :3 so would i just send you the redeemed code then? on a separatw note could you tell me more about the ariados as well?
Hi All,

I missed you UK Mew event code. Does anyone have any spare codes?


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