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Preventing Struggle when faced with a shiny legendary pokémon!
I've seen a lot of people having to resort to the master ball because the shiny legendary they spent many hours soft resetting for ran out of PP's and struggled. Even seen some lose a shiny legendary because they didn't prepare or do any research.

Here's my solution!

Harvest Exeggutor holding a Leppa Berry with Bestow and Skill Swap! You can get the hidden ability in XY, it's a huge pain in the *** (I got a shiny Wingull before I could find one with the HA, not to mention a shiny Exeggcute while breeding for IV's). Exeggcute gets Bestow at level 50, and Skill Swap is a Move Tutor move which you can get for 8 BP at the Battle Resort.

Biggest issue is that Exeggutor has many weaknesses (and not the best stats). However with proper breeding, EV-training and a very high level it can still manage without any problems. We can also take further steps to avoid disaster.

Ho-Oh is a prime example of a PITA shiny to get. Few PP's, and it's got powerful fire moves which normally would disintegrate this poor grass type pokémon. Not to mention it's holding an item!

Smeargle is a good solution for pretty much anything. Theif to steal any potential item, then Spore and Soak. Soak removes STAB. While the shiny Ho-Oh is sleeping, simply false swipe it to 1 HP and switch to your Exeggutor. Skill Swap and Bestow - the shiny Ho-Oh will now never run out of PP's!

You're still not safe yet, you got a powerful pokémon spamming infinite attacks! Bring a wall holding Leftovers, I use Umbreon myself.

Not to mention plenty of potions, leppa berries, revives, full heals and balls.

I've tried it and it works flawlessly. Caught a regular Ho-Oh in a luxury ball several times, managed to keep the battle rolling for over an hour.

Furthermore, I suggest you research any legendary before you hunt for a shiny.

Good luck and happy shiny hunting.
Thanks! I probably won't do the Exeggutor thing because I'm lazy, but other people will probably find it to be very useful. Legendary Pokémon are so hard to catch though. I feel like I blow thousands of Polédollars (:p) on the because of all of the revives and balls you have to use. Seriously, just get in the ball and I'll probably leave you in a cold box with no food for a while. Doesn't that sound fun Deoxys? XD
I've been meaning to try and catch a shiny Ho-Oh; I'll definitely keep this in mind, thanks.
[align=center]Started by apeing gates, touching Triforces, and blaming Levi

Now I'm here with a fancy sword, smiling at all the burrito chokes, the blue shells, and the shiny catches.


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