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[GIVEAWAY] [CLOSED] 5 IV Adamant Kecleon's w/ HA
Heyo guys, I'm back with another giveaway! This time I'll be giving away 5 IV Adamant Kecleons w/ its Hidden Ability, Protean. There'll be more giveaways in the future as well! ^_^ (This was supposed to be a Money Making Smeargle giveaway, however I was having trouble finding a cloner, so it will for sure be the next giveaway I do!)
[Image: tumblr_m2cr9lqLgZ1qd87hlo1_500.gif]

Pokemon: Kecleon
Nickname: None
Pentagon: Yes
Level: 1
Item: None
Shiny: No
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Protean
-Tail Whip
Exclamation Rules Exclamation

1. Giveaway will be done in the GTS.

2. Only one pokemon per person.

3. There is a limited amount of them so first come first serve!

4. You may reserve a pokemon for yourself if you can't trade at the moment.

These are all self-bred, so a +1 rep, while not required, would be greatly appreciated.

Post this in the thread so I can find you on GTS.

Pokemon deposited: 




Message: BoneheadMarowak

Please do not deposit a Pokemon that you find at the beginning, or starters, to best avoid your chances of getting sniped Smile
Pokemon Deposited: Spiritomb

Gender: 1

Level: 1

IGN: Abby

Message: BoneheadMarowak

I'm working on depositing it, so just refresh every little while. ^-^
Your number one flying-type trainer!
(Mar 16, 2016, 01:32 PM)TheLastStaravia Wrote: Pokemon Deposited: Spiritomb

Gender: 1

Level: 1

IGN: Abby

Message: BoneheadMarowak

I'm working on depositing it, so just refresh every little while. ^-^

Sent! Enjoy your Kecleon! ^_^
Thank you! I appreciate the giveaway.
Your number one flying-type trainer!
Pokemon deposited: Krabby
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: Ben
Message: BoneheadMarowak

Nice Giveaway! Thanks :D
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
(Mar 16, 2016, 03:46 PM)nightburstpkmn Wrote: Pokemon deposited: Krabby
Gender: Female
Level: 1
IGN: Ben
Message: BoneheadMarowak

Nice Giveaway! Thanks :D

You're welcome, and thanks! Enjoy your Kecleon! :D
(Mar 16, 2016, 01:50 PM)TheLastStaravia Wrote: Thank you! I appreciate the giveaway.

You're welcome! I'm glad you do :D
Pokemon deposited: Gloom
Gender: Female
Level: 22
IGN: Alster13
Message: BoneheadMarowak

Pokemon Deposited: Electrike
Gender: Male
Message: BoneheadMarowak
(Mar 17, 2016, 12:28 AM)Alster13 Wrote: Pokemon deposited: Gloom
Gender: Female
Level: 22
IGN: Alster13
Message: BoneheadMarowak


Sent! Enjoy your Kecleon! :D Also, thanks for the rep! ^_^

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