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[TRADE] LF Miltank with Sap Sipper (HA) [CLOSED]
Hey there, everyone!
I'm looking for Miltank with Sap Sipper, maybe someone of you got one?
Thanks in advance for the help! >w<

If you want something special in return, I have a bunch of breedjects lying around. :p
I have a HA miltank I got from WT recently. It's also blue!

I'll gladly take a breedject for it!
Uhh, Shiny...! *w* You sure you don't want another Shiny in return? Just to be sure, I quite feel like scamin' you if I don't ask. :c
At the very moment, I have the following breedjects lying around:
Charmander (Jolly; Outrage, Dragon Rush, Chrunch, Dragon Dance), Bulbasaur (Bold), Magikarp (HA, Jolly), Drillbur (Jolly), Charmander (Timid), Pidgey (HA, Timid), Chimchar (Adamant; Fire Punch, Thunder Punch), Togepi (Timid; Nasty Plot), Snivy (HA, Timid; Glare, Mirror Coat)

On my PokéBank, there are just a few more waiting if none of them appeals to you. :p
Also, I added your FC. ♥ Once again, thanks for your help in advance! >w<
I gave the guy a lowly cubone in that WT so don't feel bad at all.

I'll take the drillbur!
Aight, then! >w<
Thank you very much for your help and being so generous! <3
I hope, my Drillbur will serve you well!

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