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i have an extra Hoopa that was given to me and i was looking to trade it but apparently i cant trade it over GTS so i was wondering if anyone was willing to trade normally
Yeah sure, I have a Groudon for trade. I have added you. I am ready to trade whenever you are, unless of course you require me to go over the moves and stats of this Pokemon?
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!

PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
@Total-Insanity i just have to add you back i believe then im all set.
i have a groudon
@Total-Insanity im all set whenever you are. 

@Jhinsuu i think im all set, thanks though
(Apr 3, 2016, 04:54 PM)x0xliv Wrote: @Total-Insanity im all set whenever you are. 

@Jhinsuu i think im all set, thanks though
wait for him tho hes trading with me rn
@Jhinsuu @Total-Insanity im not going anywhere no worries lol
I apologise for the wait, I was just trading to try and get closer to completing my dex. If you would still like to trade, I am available now.
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!

PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
@Total-Insanity thats completey okay, i was writing down what i need for the dex anyways lol
im all set

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