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[GIVEAWAY] Legendary pokemon
Well since I only have pokemon alpha sapphire I'm missing loads of legendary, so if you could (no worries if u can't) give me at least the ones u can catch for the national dex, mewtwo, legendary birds, ho-oh, palkia, groudon, tornadus, reshiram, xerneas, yveltal, zygard, the ones I can't have on as xD
Hi. Do you think I could get a Zapdos? If you have a shiny, that would be appreciated.
+1 rep
edit: I'm also looking for a Palkia, Tornadus, and Reshiram for the Mirage Spots, if that's no trouble
@mste1602 Cool Cool! Thanks! Will be waiting for you as long as it takes!
ok I have everyone between my last post and this one added but not everyone has added me
@mste1602 ok, added you!
@mste1602 cool. added and im on
@mste1602  Hey Morgan I'm on. just got home from work :3 hope you checked my PMs by the way O: thanks again!
@mste1602 I added you as well
I've added you @mste1602

Just ask me to trade IG.
@mste1602  Thank you so much!! Reupdated my RAting!! *Bear Hugs*

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