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[TRADE] LF: HA Slowpoke and Carvanha
Yo, I'm looking for HA slowpoke and Carvanha, I have 4-5iv Rotom,Scyther,Bagon w/egg moves, and Whismurs, can someone help me out pls? ^^;
(Dec 11, 2014, 07:30 PM)Dusky4Days Wrote: Yo, I'm looking for HA slowpoke and Carvanha, I have 4-5iv Rotom,Scyther,Bagon w/egg moves, and Whismurs, can someone help me out pls? ^^;

I can provide you with HA Slowpoke. Anything shiny and/or with Hidden Abilities? Scrappy Whismur, perhaps?
(Dec 11, 2014, 07:36 PM)sandragon13 Wrote:
(Dec 11, 2014, 07:30 PM)Dusky4Days Wrote: Yo, I'm looking for HA slowpoke and Carvanha, I have 4-5iv Rotom,Scyther,Bagon w/egg moves, and Whismurs, can someone help me out pls? ^^;

I can provide you with HA Slowpoke.  Anything shiny and/or with Hidden Abilities?  Scrappy Whismur, perhaps?

Yes I have the HA Whismurs
I'll breed up your slowpoke tomorrow. Pretty sure it's 5V.
Alright, thanks

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