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need FC for safari
Hey can people add my FC and give yours up as well. And if you have enough time tcan you tell me what pokes are in my safari. Thank You
Yeah sure add me and ill tell you just adding you now
You can add me if you want. I'm grass type with Ivysaur and tangela. I'm not sure on the third but you can tell me when you visit.
@MrScruff added you and ill tell you your third if you want to add me
@MrScruff and @carter5050 i added you both. Thank you
Added everyone here I have a water type safari with frogadere octillary and gyrados :D
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
I'll add you, my friend code is at the side!

IMy friend safari type is an ice and I have snorunt, piloswine, and cubchoo (pretty sure those are what the pokemon I have since that's what my friend told me)

Thanks! :D
Your FS is fighting with pancham, hariyama and meditite
Thank u @carter5050
Your welcome

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