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I would like one of those ditto.Thanks!
I would like a ditto please. Thank you <3
FC: 5344 - 2234 - 0966
NNID: Mr Walrus
IGN: Connor

Got my ditto, thanks dude!!!
I would like a Ditto, when you have time please. I've added your friend code, mine is 0361-7920-8517.
Thanks in advance. Smile Perry
Hi please can you help me i need ditto 6iv i can give you not so much but please help me.
my name is kirito and my friend code is 1521-7038-7144 i hope you will give one to me thank you Smile
I would like one of those Dittos;my friend code:3265-6009-8527;i hope i will get one;THANK YOU!
(Apr 8, 2016, 08:18 AM)Total-Insanity Wrote: FREE 6IV SHINY DITTO GIVEAWAY

Hello, there has been a thread for these before and it seems that the previous one has actually closed, so I just thought that because I have a 6IV shiny ditto that I would try to spread the love a little bit and give them out to people who may need them. If anyone needs them for breeding ect then you have come to the right place!

These Ditto are semi-legitimate. They are legitimate in the eyes of the game, they have been cloned though, so if you are not wanting a cloned Ditto, then unfortunately I cannot help you. They are also holding a Destiny Knot! This ensures that 5IV's from the 12 that the parents carry will be passed down to the egg. These Ditto are also JAPANESE.  This should make most Pokemon you own work the Masuda Method. I will be trading these Ditto through the LINK TRADE. This makes it more convenient to trade and the Ditto are also classified as 'Special Pokemon' therefore cannot be posted over GTS.

If you are wanting one of these Ditto then please post the following below:
I would like one of those Ditto. (Make sure you add my friend code before you post this)

Please note: I am only giving people one. If your friends need one, ask them to come.

If you have recieved one of these Ditto, a nice + 1 rep would be greatly appreciated as it makes me a more reputable part of the community. It also takes me a long time to set up and give these Pokemon. If this giveaway becomes quite popular I might add certain Natures to the Ditto.

Post below and I will try my best to get to you WITHIN 24 HOURS. IF YOU HAVE NOT RECIEVED YOUR DITTO WITHIN THAT TIME, PLEASE PM ME.

Ditto's Given: 44

I am also currently hosting other Giveaways, if you are interested then click the links below:
HA Legendary Trio Giveaway
I am also giving evolution items and helping people evolve Pokemon free of charge in my Trading Post thread HERE. The Trading Post also has a milestone counter so you can predict when giveaways will occur.


hi i've had already ask to you fora a ditto but for be sure i have just added you as friend my pokemon ign is kirito and my friend code is 1521-7038-7144
I would like one of those Dittos, Thx in advance
Gonna pray
I don't believe that I've made a request yet, but may I recieve one?
Your number one flying-type trainer!
I would like one of those Ditto. 


My ​​​​​friend code is 3325-5801-6565.
May I have one of those dittos with destiny knot please, would be very thankful. 

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