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@Ezycode Okay, I have added you. Ready when you are.
Sorry about my absence, more giveaways coming soon!

PM me about shinies you would like me to start hunting, suggestions wanted.
i would love a ditto please :D
I would like a ditto please! added you on FC ^,^
Um what's your friend code so I can add u cause I would like the ditto
Already said it but my code is
i would want a ditto plz and thank you Smile

my fc is :2208-8680-5266
I would like a Shiny Ditto , I have added you . My FC : 1092-0648-3983  IGN : Mike
@Total-Insanity  add me so we can trade the ditto Smile
I would appreciate it if I could get a Ditto as well Smile 
Sending you some +rep Just for the awesome giveaway!
Hello I want a ditto
ign ryon
my fc is 2294-7160-6428

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