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[DISCUSSION] Favorite Grass Type
By far, Trevenant. The desing is amazing, and I like very much the concept of this pokemon (a tree possesed by ghost!).

It is also a very good physical attacker (with STAB Wood Hammer and Shadow Claw), not very common in ghost or grass pokemon!
Despite it's being Water/Grass type, can I say Ludicolo?

I don't know why but it always seems adorable to me. 
(Especially when it's dancing)
Tangela! I know it's a stupid pokemon, but it was my first (non-legit) shiny and I couldn't help but adore the pathetic little thing Angel
"Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with their favorites." - Karen of the John Elite 4
I like Turtwig. Why? He was my first starter and turtles are my favorite animals!
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