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What is EV Training / perfect stats?
Can someone explain all this ev training, getting the stats / nature you want, etc?

pref for POKEMON ORAS!

Check these videos out, hope it helps!!!
Ok so ill break this down in sections.

1. Natures

There are 25 total natures that is randomly selected when you catch or hatch a pokemon.

"Each nature increases one of its stats by 10% and
decreases one by 10% (by the time it reaches level 100). Five natures increase and decrease the same stat and therefore have no effect."

2. EVs

EV stands for effort value. They are uncheckable points your pokemon can earn for defeating certain pokemon.  Each pokemon can have a total of 510 Evs, and 210 is the limit for one stat. For example, defeating one Zigzagoon will give you one speed Ev. Power items, macho brace, and pokerus can increase your Ev yield per pokemon.

"Effort values, in the form of effort points, are gained in addition to bonuses gained by increasing level. Effort values ensure that trained Pokémon are stronger than wild Pokémon, even those of the same level. Effort points are awarded equally to all Pokémon who participated in defeating a Pokémon. Though they are shared, each of the Pokémon will receive the standard amount of effort points."

3. IVs

IV stands for Individual Values, it is the pokemon equivalent to genes. Each stat's IV is a number from 0-31. A 'perfect' pokemon is a pokemon with a 31 IV in all six of its stats

"Each of the six battle stats has an IV associated with it, with that IV coming into calculation alongside the Pokémon's base stats and EVs to determine the actual stat number. A Pokémon's IVs are determined when it isgenerated by the game: when it is obtained as an Egg from the Pokémon Day Careencountered in the wild, or given to the player by an NPC."

Hope this was helpful!

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