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[TRADE] LF Hoopa, FT: Mew, Darkrai
Hey guys,

I missed the Hoopa event and I am looking for one. I can offer a Mew pokemon (or code) or Darkrai pokemon (or code).

Thanks for your time!
i have hoopa for you?
(May 3, 2016, 12:04 PM)M00nlight Wrote: i have hoopa for you?

Ok, what would you like?
(May 3, 2016, 12:07 PM)corasaur Wrote:
(May 3, 2016, 12:04 PM)M00nlight Wrote: i have hoopa for you?

Ok, what would you like? 
I would like mew, if thats okay?
Add me. FC 2895-9717-4111
mine is: 3067-8385-7939
(May 3, 2016, 12:14 PM)M00nlight Wrote: mine is: 3067-8385-7939

Thank you very much for the trade. +rep.
is there something else you want for the darkrai code?

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