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ft darkrai codes for diance or BR shinys
tiltes pretty straight forward
i currently have 2 codes.
heres a list of shinys i want

shiny aegislash
shiny metagross
shiny grachomp
shiny gardavoir
shiny greninja
shiny milotic
shiny umbreon
What region are the codes from?
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
@Excalibur0126 NA
I have a shiny Umbreon I'd trade, how would this work can you just use the code and send me the darkrai or would you have to just send me the code? I'll be on for the next hour if you can get on, if not i'll be on at other times throughtout the week randomly. I'll go ahead and add you incase we're both on at the same time

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