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[DISCUSSION] Need help for a core pokemon
Hey guys! I'm just starting out as a competitive pokemon player and need help finding a well-balanced pokemon to serve as my team core. Please leave the name of the pokemon down below so i can research it later. Thanks!
Mega Medicham and Slurpuff.
The minute you think of giving up, think of the reason why you held on so long.
Thanks and I will start building a team now Smile
Dragonite, Manaphy, Volcarona, Garchomp, Salamence, Raikou, Sceptile-Mega, Clefable, Sableye-Mega, Charizard (X/Y), Gyarados, Pidgeot-Mega, Azumarill, Ampharos-Mega, Heracross (Mega or not), etc. The possibilities are endless Smile

Also like @Excalibur0126 , Medichamh-Mega and Slurpuff are very strong as well.

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