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[GIVEAWAY] 5 day shiny eevee giveaway <finished>
@Cubby Gamer 

sniped sorry
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
(Jul 14, 2016, 08:05 PM)SpyroXX77XX Wrote: @Cubby Gamer 

sniped sorry

Oh i reposted! My connection actually cut out lol it wasn't sniped vwv
pokemon wanted:eevee
pokemon deposited: Taillow
level and gender of depositited Pokemon: Lv4 Male 
message: spyroXX77XX
Can you h*ck me a Ditto?
@Cubby Gamer 


enjoy the eevee
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
Pokemon Wanted: Evee
Pokemon Deposited: Forretress
Gender: Male
Message: SpyroXX77XX

enjoy the eevee
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
Thank you! Enjoy the rep!
pokemon wanted:eevee
pokemon deposited: Murkrow
level and gender of depositited Pokemon: Lvl. 1 male
message: spyroXX77XX

enjoy the eevee
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
(Jul 14, 2016, 08:34 PM)SpyroXX77XX Wrote: @timothy9x 

enjoy the eevee

Thanks, +1 rep!

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