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[TRADE] BR shinies for trade!
LF : BR perfect IV (5-6) Jolly Pinsir BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Adamant Excadrill BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Adamant Azumarill BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Limber Lopunny BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Jolly Rayquaza BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Jolly or Adamant medichamp BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Adamant Talonflame BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Jolly Weavile BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Careful Sableye BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Bold Slowbro BR shiny,
       BR perfect IV (5-6) Timid Alakazam BR shiny,

*Note, the second BR is a typo. Also any pokemon with perfect IV's and nature are also acceptable meaning as long as they are shiny with the BLUE PENTAGON il take them.

FT :
Shiny greninja 
Shiny emboar
Shiny blaziken
Shiny infernape
Shiny latios
Shiny heracross
Shiny landorus
Shiny Bisharp
Shiny banette
Shiny salamence
Shiny rayquaza (nintendo Hk event)
Shiny charizard
Shiny genesect (2013 JPN)
Shiny Arceus (ENG 2015 event)
Shiny gengar
Shiny mawille
Shiny xerneas

Shiny tepig
Shiny torchic
Shiny typhlosion
Shiny evee
Shiny fletchling
Shiny sneasel
Shiny ivysaur
Shiny fennekin
Shiny lucario
Shiny delphox
Shiny chimchar
Shiny smeargle
Shiny aegislash

Shiny tyranitar
Shiny blaziken ( GER event)

Red ones are going to be hard to get off me.       

They're all battle ready except for a few!
Does the Shiny Arceus carry any special moves? @mahetmed
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
@nightburstpkmn  judgment , blast burn, hydro cannon, earth power
Can I reserved that Arceus real quick. I'm eating right now at the moment. I'll offer my SHINY Adament Talonflame Smile
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
@nightburstpkmn Is it perfect IV? if yes Il for sure reserve it !
@mahetmed Yeah it's shiny! I'm ready to trade right now, if you are
Sleep is important, so take a nap -_- (zzzzzzz....)
(Jul 15, 2016, 08:13 PM)nightburstpkmn Wrote: @mahetmed Yeah it's shiny! I'm ready to trade right now, if you are
adding you!
(Jul 15, 2016, 07:36 PM)nightburstpkmn Wrote: Can I reserved that Arceus real quick. I'm eating right now at the moment. I'll offer my SHINY Adament Talonflame Smile
My other arceus has judgement, roar of time, special rend, shadow force.
I'm looking at the shiny sneasel. can i know it's level, gender, moveset, pokeball it's in, and what language it's name is in?
The Safari Zone. The only place where you can throw mud at Pokémon. AKA the best in-game area in the fourth generation.

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