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For Pokémon ORAS users, is pokemon marked battle ready at level 50 or 100? (with the iv's, ability and moves.)

It depends because with online battling you can set it so your Pokemon are the level they are for example a level 100 torkole it will stay level 100 but if you play with restrictions it will reset that torkole to level 50 (including the stats) so about level 50 it should be battle ready at least that's what the championship sets them to

hope this helped
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
No problem I'm just trying to help the Pokemon community as best as I can
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!

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