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[FRIEND SAFARI] Need more Friend Codes for Friend Safaris!
As the title says, I need more friend codes for friend safaris. Currently trying to complete the Dex for Shiny Charm!
Friend Code: 2423-6342-0211
Hey Cristonyte, I'm looking for some new safaris too. Added

Please add BOTH of my 3DS as I've done the same with your friend code.

First 3DS: 3067-8147-1090
IGN:GlintPhantom or just put Glint, (I've recently discovered, in my experiences, IGNs don't matter too much as longas you get the FC correct).

Second 3DS: 289-1017-8554
IGN: Same as the first. 

Thanks, and hope you get the charm soon!
@GlintPhantom You forgot a number on your 2nd friend code
Hi ! (Sorry for my English i'm French player) 

I can help you :
 Friend code : 1951 - 2157 - 8259
 IGN : Théo 

I add you !

@Cristonyte Thanks for pointing that out, my bad.


just to be sure that everything is correct this time!
doing the same  :D

friend code: 4227-4970-8088
IGN: KittyK
Added y'all, thanks!
Hey I'll add as well 

4141-4311-4884 here's mine 
Happy hunting

I added you all
My safari has Sunkern, Sawsbuck and Quilladin
@Cristonyte and @GlintPhantom just added you both my fc is 2337-4862-8162thanks in advance for the add. Smile

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