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[GIVEAWAY] [Closed] A (Shiny) Smashing Giveaway
Wanted: Mewtwo
Pokemon Deposited: Magnezone
Lvl: 31
IGN: Nicola
Message: Sleeper
Wanted Pokemon= Greninja
Deposited Pokemon =Goomy
IGN=I dont know what that is but my trainer name is Gavin
IGN means in game name so it's your Pokemon avatars name
in the words of my granddad "it takes a strong man to stand up for himself but it takes a stronger man to stand up for others".         Which one are you?!
thank you so much! than i guess i did it right
Wow I got snipped Angry

Wanted pokemon=Greninja
deposited=evvee named Juan
Message sleeper
@Naysaii - Sent!
@Hatonacat - Sent!
I don't actually sleep.

I am just a stray cat.
Pokemon deposited: Seviper
Pokemon wanted: Lucario
Gender: Male
Level: 48
IGN: Ant
Message: Sleeper
Pokemon wanted= Charizard
Pokemon Deposited= Bellsprout
Message = Sleeper

Thanks so much i love charizard Heart
@DrFruitfly - Sent!
@Unicorn - It's 41 to 50. Not 51 to 60.
I don't actually sleep.

I am just a stray cat.
@Unicorn - Sent!
I don't actually sleep.

I am just a stray cat.

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