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looking for more friend safaris
im looking for FS because of pokedex and if there is a swablu FS pls tell and if there isn't one just tell me as well.But any FS will be fine.
Do you mind checking out my friend safari? I don't know what pokes I have so please could you tell me!

Added both.
i've also added you @ItzBerzerk  my fc is 2337-4862-8162 safari type fairy:MAWLIE,DEDENNE AND FLOETTE Thank you in advance in for the add back  Smile Smile Smile .i'm playing ACNL and i'm also finishing up moving.
Added add me back please 0602-6563-8177
i added you @Tiny my fc is 2337-4862-8162 safari type:fairy- mawlie dedenne and floette thank you in advance for the add back  Smile Smile Smile  I'm playing ACNL  right now.
Hi, my FC: 3540-1554-7081. Will add anyone
(Sep 2, 2016, 01:25 AM)Shiro Wrote: im looking for FS because of pokedex and if there is a swablu FS pls tell and if there isn't one just tell me as well.But any FS will be fine.
(Sep 2, 2016, 01:27 AM)ItzBerzerk Wrote: Do you mind checking out my friend safari? I don't know what pokes I have so please could you tell me!
(Sep 3, 2016, 01:03 PM)Tiny Wrote: Added add me back please 0602-6563-8177
(Sep 3, 2016, 08:58 PM)ECF2110 Wrote: Hi, my FC: 3540-1554-7081. Will add anyone

Added all
hi there please add my friend code my safari contains poison type venomoth and cascoon

i have added you thanks
(Sep 4, 2016, 03:33 AM)Mattienator Wrote: hi there please add my friend code my safari contains poison type venomoth and cascoon

i have added you thanks

anyone can add me as well!

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