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[CLOSED] The ULTIMATE Hunting Partner
Permanently closed now, v1.5 will come later :/

Hello all, and welcome to wundrweapon's official giveaway of the best hunting partner in all of Pokemon
unless a certain Smeargol build tickles your fancy
This giveaway will be done twice, once with the current stock, and once when my buddy gets an exploit for the latest firmware (because he refuses to trade until then). If my buddy's willing to clone for another round, then I'll do it again in a new thread. But don't worry about that, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

"wundr, get on with it, what are you giving away?" is what I hear you thinking in Comic Sans (that's right - I'm 100% aware that you think in Comic Sans). And the answer is...
[Image: 9d548ea3a2942e697ded3a391dd50a21.jpg]
I'm giving away a Pancham - the best Pancham for Pokemon hunting, of course! Here's the details:

Pokemon: Pancham
Item: Rare Candy
Ball: Quick Ball
Gender: F
Ability: Scrappy (HA)
Nature: Rash
Level: 99
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
EVs: (I'm like 99% certain they're blank, but don't quote me on that)

Current stock: 16 (usually updated after every 5 requests, for simplicity (until I have less than 6))
Reserved (before you ask, yes you can reserve): 1

"But wundr! What's so special about this?"
Simple: You're getting a legal, lv99 Pancham - which you can instantly make lv100 and optionally a Pangoro - that can use False Swipe on any opposing Pokemon - even Ghost-types. This is why Pancham is so special here.

"Hey, uh, wundr... are these Pokemon legit?"
No. They are legal, but they have been cloned and modified from a Pancham I caught in the FS via PKHeX.

"Shiny? Nickname?"

I bet some of you are just dying to see how you can get a hold of these puppies, so let's run down some rules:
1) DO NOT give me starters or early-game Pokemon from any of X, Y, OR, and AS. I have more than enough of these already, so if you do deposit one of these Pokemon, then I will not provide you with a Pancham. If you don't know if it counts as early-game, then either ask in this thread or just take the safe route and deposit a Hoopa Pokemon that is undoubtedly mid- to late-game
2) Did I say deposit? Yes, yes I did, because this will done via the GTS. Be sure to request lv91 or higher, and if you haven't seen Pancham yet, you can type it in "What Pokemon?" at the bottom of the alphabet list
3) Make the post immediately after a successful deposit to avoid problems efficiently
4) Do not, and I repeat DO NOT make a request outside of the 21:30- 01:30 UTC time range. If your time zone is not UTC and you wish to know whether or not your local time is within that range, then either use Google or this website to do the conversion. If your post lies outside that range (don't worry too much over a few minutes, by the way), then I will ignore it entirely
5) At least put something down for the GTS message. I don't care what, so long as it can help me distinguish your request from someone else's
6) One per person
7) Finally, as with any GTS giveaway, you must use the following template
Pokemon deposited: 
IGN (in-game name): 
GTS message: 

~Have a fantastic day!~
+1 rep is always appreciated, yet never necessary ;)
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
pokemon deposited: chatot (omega ruby)
level: 1
gender: female
IGN: Yannick
message: weapon
@flamingstrike sent! <3
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
Thank you for the effort @wundrweapon
Pokemon deposited: Deerling
Level: 1
Gender: male
IGN (in-game name): Athene5
GTS message: wunder

Thank you! ^-^ (the Deerling is HA) <3
Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow, it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than a bicycle.

Previously Known as MistressGlaceon

uwu i can hacku
@"MistressGlaceon" thanks for the HA, your Pancham has been sent! <3
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
Pokemon deposited: Tentacool
Level: 20
Gender: female 
IGN: Ymay
GTS message: wunder
@yymmaayy sent <3
You can find me on YouTube, Steam, and Twitter if you need to
(Sep 30, 2016, 05:45 PM)wundrweapon Wrote: @yymmaayy sent <3

Wow! Thanks! Lovelots  Heart Heart Heart
Pokemon deposited:  Trubbish
Level: 1
Gender: male 
IGN (in-game name):  Candido
GTS message: wunder
Thank u

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