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[FOR TRADE] Volcanions for trade!
Just got 2 extra Volcanion that I would be willing to trade. I'm mainly looking for Shaymin, Victini or the Play!2016 Mewtwo ( wich is the shiny mewtwo they gave a while ago). 
If you have some nice shinies you would be willing to trade you can always ask, i might be interested  :D
I've got shaymin and victini. Are these volcanion from the event and legit? if yes ill be happy to trade both for one
(Oct 17, 2016, 04:45 AM)greendragon13 Wrote: I've got shaymin and victini. Are these volcanion from the event and legit? if yes ill be happy to trade both for one

yes they are legit event ones that i redeemed myself. Add me if you wanna trade  :D
Currently at school. I will be online in an hour or so, and then i'll be available for several hours. I'd love to trade, thank you Heart
(Oct 17, 2016, 07:07 AM)greendragon13 Wrote: Currently at school. I will be online in an hour or so, and then i'll be available for several hours. I'd love to trade, thank you Heart

Perfect no problem!! and you  dont need to send me both, just shaymin for volcanion is fine since they're both mythical event ones i feel they are worth the same :D 

Unless you mean you want both Volcanion for the shaymin and Victini, wich is fine with me :p
I'd be perfectly fine with two volcanions, if thats ok with you. Of course only if you want both the victine and the shyamin
(Oct 17, 2016, 08:07 AM)greendragon13 Wrote: I'd be perfectly fine with two volcanions, if thats ok with you. Of course only if you want both the victine and the shyamin

great, sounds good to me!
OK, cool. I'll be online, whenever you feel like to trade
(Oct 17, 2016, 09:12 AM)greendragon13 Wrote: OK, cool. I'll be online, whenever you feel like to trade

perfect, just give me 20 minutes and ill be able to get online :D
OK np, I'll be on my alpha saphire if thats ok

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