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I am currently looking for a female Geodude with Galvanize, so I can breed one with my OT. I don't have much to trade, but I can trade version exclusives from either game up to Ula'Ula island, such as Cottonee/Petilil family, Rufflet/Vullaby family and either form of Lycanroc. Also, I can trade Kadabras, Machokes, Gravlers or Boldores. Heart Heart Heart
Im also looking for one. They are really stupid to catch. If i end up getting one ill let you know
Finally got one and bred an impish one of your still intrested
(Nov 27, 2016, 03:22 PM)Kainelawless Wrote: Finally got one and bred an impish one of your still intrested

Hi there, I don't mean to sabotage the thread. I'd like the HA Geodude. I'll give away some adamant natured ones once I breed it. Thanks.
Meh im good with impish. It gets a better percentage boost to its defense but for sure. My fc isnt updated. Its 5430 1070 2816. My ign is jean paul
(Nov 27, 2016, 05:00 PM)Kainelawless Wrote: Meh im good with impish. It gets a better percentage boost to its defense but for sure. My fc isnt updated. Its 5430 1070 2816. My ign is jean paul

Adding you now. Cheers.
Give me a couple minutres to breed one
(Nov 27, 2016, 05:07 PM)Kainelawless Wrote: Give me a couple minutres to breed one

Sure thing. Hope you don't mind Relaxed Oranguru Smile
Online now
Enjoy. Getting that thing was a pain. I made a self destruct, imprison,skill swap, bonemerang smeargel and had to switch to a damp polywhirl to reset the sos pokemon when it was running out of pp. Most annoying pokemon to catch ever

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