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[FOR TRADE] 6 IV Popplio Shiny Female
Lv. 1 
Ability: Torrent
Nature: Modest
Looking for offers 
Move set: 
Aqua Ring
Perish Song
Water Gun
What would you want for it?
Preferably another shiny but im willing to accept something else if its a good offer, you can just post your offer if you'd like.
Unfortunately I haven't encountered another shiny... I suppose there wouldn't be anything rare to give you.

Sorry. :/
Shiny bagon?
Hey! Do u have oras. If u do would u be willing for me to trade u a shiny on oras then you'll trade me your shiny on sun and moon
(Nov 26, 2016, 05:54 PM)Hatonacat Wrote: Hey! Do u have oras. If u do would u be willing for me to trade u a shiny on oras then you'll trade me your shiny on sun and moon

no sorry, i want it in Sun/Moon
How about a shiny Ninetales?
i got shiny alolan raichu, lycanroc (mid-day) and pikipek do you want any of it
I have a shiny mudbray if you are interested?

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