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LF: shiny 4-5iv Camerupt 0 speed
Looking for Shiny Camerupt quite nature IVs:31/x/31/31/31/0 battle ready w/ blue pentagon. I have to offer: shiny Chandalure 5iv -Atk modest HA infiltrator w/em heatwave and haze w/blue pentagon, shiny Talonflame 5iv -sp.atk adamant, and shiny Hydriegon 6iv w/ blue pentagon.
What about the EV's?

I now have a 5IV (0 speed) Shiny Camerupt, Quiet nature, with blue pentagon.

It has EQ/Rockslide/Curse and something else that I can't remember.
If you'd like that I can give it to you, I don't require any pokemon in return.
Okay thanks!I can EV it. I'll add you now.
(Dec 29, 2014, 06:12 PM)Coogin Wrote: Okay thanks!I can EV it. I'll add you now.

Ok, need to clear some room on my list then I'll add you.
Just saw you're message if you're still available to trade I can get online now.
(Dec 30, 2014, 08:46 AM)Coogin Wrote: Just saw you're message if you're still available to trade I can get online now.

Yes I'm available now
My ign is Coogin
Thank you I really appreciate it!
(Dec 30, 2014, 09:14 AM)Coogin Wrote: Thank you I really appreciate it!

No problem you're welcome. Hopefully it's good enough

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