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HA Pokemon please
does anyone have any of the following?: 

HA Pikipek (Pickup)
HA Rockruff (Steadfast)
HA Passimian (Defiant)
HA Jangmo-o (Overcoat)
HA Geodude (Galvanize)
HA Sandshrew (Slush Rush)
HA Cubone (Battle Armor) 

Wimpod with Aqua Jet (egg move) 

 I have several HA Mareanies to go and some Ultra Beasts to spare.
I have Wimpod and HA Sandshrew what else u got besides Mareanies
(Nov 30, 2016, 11:55 PM)freshikki Wrote: I have Wimpod and HA Sandshrew what else u got besides Mareanies

I have a 5IV Mimikyu too

do you have the sun exclusive ultra beast?
(Dec 1, 2016, 12:07 AM)R2LSD2 Wrote: @lukelukeluke

do you have the sun exclusive ultra beast?

as in buzzwole and kartana? yes I do.
Ill take the 5 iv mimikyu ill give u the wimpod for it want to trade me a UB for the sandshrew or another type of breedject
(Dec 1, 2016, 12:13 AM)freshikki Wrote: Ill take the 5 iv mimikyu ill give u the wimpod for it want to trade me a UB for the sandshrew or another type of breedject

alright i'll give you the 5IV mimikyu and a Kartana for the wimpod and sandshrew, add me up and be at the plaza in 5 mins.
i have these 
HA Rockruff (Steadfast)
HA Jangmo-o (Overcoat)
HA Geodude (Galvanize)
HA Sandshrew (Slush Rush)

are you willing to trade those ultra beast?
(Dec 1, 2016, 12:22 AM)R2LSD2 Wrote: @lukelukeluke
i have these 
HA Rockruff (Steadfast)
HA Jangmo-o (Overcoat)
HA Geodude (Galvanize)
HA Sandshrew (Slush Rush)

are you willing to trade those ultra beast?

yes I am, willing to trade kartana and buzzwole. I only need those except the Sandshrew.

ok so those 3 for the ultra beast?

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