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[SUN/MOON] Battle of alola
am asking did anyone participated in the battle of alola, if do how do oyu get the 50 BP after you the competition end
This should tell you how to get it
@Planet_Azumarill ok how do i check the link?
@shawnee36836 Click on it or copy and paste it to the web address
@Planet_Azumarill no xD i mean it said link will show up on the global link account how do you check it
@ShawnStyles You don't know how to get to your global links account?
@Planet_Azumarill by the pokemon website to global link?
@ShawnStyles go to your gloabal links account, which is part of the pokemon website
@Planet_Azumarill ok but i don't see nothing about the reward
@ShawnStyles As it is stated on serebii it may time time for them to get it to all the participants so just wait about a day to see if it shows up.

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