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[GIVEAWAY] Vinnie Features #15: Eviolite Porygon2
@Sas Enjoy!
@Idle Enjoy!
@trensity Enjoy!
@ScottyThunder Ofcourse! That would be great!
(Jan 1, 2017, 07:39 AM)Vinnie Wrote:
Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Vinnie Features.
''Vinnie features'' is a collection of Pokemon I had fun with, love using or (imo) great in competitive play.
It's a concept I have been thinking of creating, since I recently started my journey in the competitive aspect of Pokemon.
I am in no means an expert in Pokemon battling and I'm doing it just for fun.
I like experimenting with different pokemons, moves and teams (and losing horribly with them).
[Image: gotta_draw__em_all_collab___porygon2_by_...822rea.png]
Happy New Year everyone!
We're starting this year off great
I'm giving away @ChaseInfinity also known as Porygon2
Quite a popular pokemon in competitive right now.
It's also @Haruna 's favorite pokemon.

Porygon2, the drinking bird Pokemon
It was upgraded to work in space
but it can't fly, so that may be a problem
It's artificially intelligent, and can learn new behaviors on its own
Porygon2 and it family are the only known pokemon to learn Conversion and Conversion 2

[Image: shiny_porygon2_by_shinyhunterf-d8yg8uq.png]


Porygon2 holding Eviolite makes it incredibly bulky
It can soak up a lot of damage for your team
but beware of Knock Off and Toxic
Knock Off will make it lose its Eviolite, which heavily reduces its defences.
Try to poison your opponents with Toxic and stall them with Recover.
Ice Beam to get some good coverage and deal decent damage.


[Image: 233.gif]        [Image: 233.gif]

  Normal   or   Shiny

Porygon2 @ Eviolite  
Ability: Download  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD  
Calm Nature 
- Recover  
- Toxic  
- Tri Attack  
- Ice Beam
The rules:

1. Only via GTS.
2. Deposit a [b]Sneasel, [/b]can be found at Mount Lanakila

Can be found at Mount Lanakila
     [Image: 600px-215Sneasel.png]

3. Please request Lv 91+ only!
4. Let me know if you want a normal one or a shiny.
5. In order to get a Porygon2 please fill in the form below.

Shiny (yes or no):
Pokemon Deposited:

6. Wait for it..

This giveaway will close January the 8th.

 Artwork ''Porygon2'' by Krisantyne
Artwork ''Shiny Porygon2'' by ShinyHunterF
(Jan 1, 2017, 04:05 PM)Vinnie Wrote: @Sas Enjoy!

Thank you! Happy New Year, friendo.
Shiny: Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: Male
Level: 1
IGN: Pokejack
Thanks! Keep working on the giveaways!
Shiny: Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: Male
Level: 44
IGN: Bananphant
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: Male
Level: 45
IGN: Murkus
@ShinyGem Enjoy!
@Bananphant Enjoy!
@Murkus Enjoy!
Shiny (yes or no): Yes please
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel 
Gender: female
Level: 43
IGN: Brian
Shiny: yes 
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel
Gender: male
Level: 48
IGN: Vincent

Thanks for this GA and happy new year
Shiny (yes or no): Yes
Pokemon Deposited: Sneasel

Very busy giveaway. happy new year !

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