Jan 3, 2017, 08:33 PM
Hey guys i just need 5 more pokemon for my Dex. They are evolve through trading pokemon of course so i am looking for someone to help me out with that. For your time and services i can give you a pokemon or item if you want.
What i've got - 3 Legit shinies - Bagon,Ditto, and Boldore
HA pokemon - 5iv Mareanie(Regenerator), 5iv Calm/Adament Polywag(Swift Swim), 5iv Timid Vulpix(Snow Warning).
Ultra Beasts - Kartana,Buzzwole, Xurkitree
What i've got - 3 Legit shinies - Bagon,Ditto, and Boldore
HA pokemon - 5iv Mareanie(Regenerator), 5iv Calm/Adament Polywag(Swift Swim), 5iv Timid Vulpix(Snow Warning).
Ultra Beasts - Kartana,Buzzwole, Xurkitree