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shiny pokemon im currently looking for part 3
i dont care if they're hacked or legit i just want them
im currently looking for
shiny sneasel, shiny finneon, and two shiny kangaskhans

willing to breed any pokemon of your choice for them along with your choice of nature and egg moves

thank you very much
Lol guess I'Ll do it again
alright thank you! when are you available to trade @Hatonacat
@Hatonacat i'll be available to trade about half and hour from now Smile
Can't trade then. I can trade tommorow at 4:00 est to 5:00 est
okay thats fine by me!
BTW why do you need two?
one of them is for my younger brother. i personally only need one just for myself so the second one a is a gift for him
Thats so nice! Smile
Is there a specific details for the pokemon like IVs, Nature, Gender, etc.?

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