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shiny pokemon im currently looking for part 3
@Hatonacat let me know when you're ready to trade!

@FrozT nope i just want the shiny forms of pokemon
I can trade now @CellyBean
alright gimme 5-10 mins please @Hatonacat
Okay Smile
ready to trade @Hatonacat 
@Hatonacat  looks like you're gonna have to send the trade request because i just sent you one and it said that you turned it down  Sad
Ummmmm. I offered but you turned down. Your not on my list anymore
oops sorry about that my ds disconnected from the internet for a bit. glad to see we managed to connect in the end though  :D
thank you so much i really appreciate all this @Hatonacat
NP REP would be nice

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