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[LOOKING FOR] Help with Dex
Hello! Im currently over 90% in my dex completion, and I heard I can ask for help here. I am looking for,
Carracosta, Lurantis, Mudsdale, Pangoro, Politoad, Porygon Z, Porygon 2, Rampardos, Sliggoo, Slowbro, Slowking, Stoutland, Tentacruel, Toxapex, Tsareena, Vanilluxe, Vibrava and Weavile.
I hope this list isnt too long. I will only be borrowing your Pokemon, it will be traded right back to you after I register it. Thank you!
I could help with the tsereena
The one have is a shiny though
I dont mind, I just register them then send them right back. if you need collateral I can give my shiny Lileep? Whats your FC? ^^
3093 7392 3835 Smile
added, mines is 1221-1269-3915 ign is Reaver
All done! I can ask you to trade now if you want?
sure thing! whats your ign? ^^
My ign is Gavril
couldnt find my Lileep xD thank you!!
I also have a slowking

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