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[LOOKING FOR] HA Electrode in ORAS
I am looking for an HA Electrode so that I can breed myself a competitive Electrode. I can trade a 5 iv male Ralts
@Maelstrom ive got your electrode my friend Smile do you have any other HA guys to offer?
(Feb 19, 2017, 09:44 AM)wartty Wrote: @Maelstrom ive got your electrode my friend Smile do you have any other HA guys to offer?

I could breed you a froakie with protean... other then that, I don't have anything else.
@Maelstrom lol so no shinies to offer i take it? :p and you dont have access to sun/moon right?
(Feb 19, 2017, 09:54 AM)wartty Wrote: @Maelstrom lol so no shinies to offer i take it? :p and you dont have access to sun/moon right?

No I have niether of these things,  I am just getting started breeding and shiny hunting is not high on my list right now.
@Maelstrom lol well then welcome to the community ! ill accept your friend safari as payment :p keep your raltts then ill breed your voltorb in a bit ~
(Feb 19, 2017, 10:09 AM)wartty Wrote: @Maelstrom lol well then welcome to the community ! ill accept your friend safari as payment :p keep your raltts then ill breed your voltorb in a bit ~

I play ORAS my friend safari doesn't exist
lol but if i trade you in xy it still registers your 3DS :p
(Feb 19, 2017, 10:14 AM)wartty Wrote: lol but if i trade you in xy it still registers your 3DS :p

oh ok. my bad, I don't play X or Y so I thought it wouldn't work
@Maelstrom voltorb is ready when you are ~

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