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[SHOP OPEN] HA Outlet: The Premier Hidden Ability Shop! ~ New FC!! For Returning Customers ~
yea it will be ok.Btw everyone is asking for munchlax because it's super hard to get it in sos battles.Which breedject you want or we could link trade.I'll be on for sometime.Want a rare candy too?
@"theoapo13" lol yeh but why wouldn't they ask more for a Snorlax if they are coming to me for the HA Pokemon? xP anyways yeh just tell me some breedjects you got and I'll suggest one to stick it on and I'll post the Snorlax, ummm sorry it's just my fc list is getting really full :\
ok ok i have shellos 3 egg moves i have eruption torkoals HA cubones ha psyducks with encore, porygons, some makuhitas with feint, 3 egg move sneasel, alolan meowth 2 egg moves, i have perfect sassy duskulls no egg moves unfortunately.Some charmanders with 4 egg moves and more, can't mention everything. Snorlax or munchlax and which pokeball (just want to know)
@"theoapo13" lol I didn't need all the eggmoves and stuff just wanted to know something you had plenty of xP well anyways I posted the Snorlax (in a normal pokeball sorry) requesting a lv 1 duskull since they aren't common in alola, should be waiting for you Smile
thanks sent the duskull! gonna watch worlds now lol.
wartty do you have any cloud nine drampa?
wartty do you want to add some HA Karps and Torchics to this? I have a few as well as your Torchic from the GA
^ No I want nothing in return
@anabel lol sorry if you misinterpreted what the first page says but I have all the HA Pokemon :P there's only like 3 or 4 I'm missing and they are all super hard to find lol idk where my list is even so I don't even know which ones they are really xD

@theoapo13 yep got plenty, any specific nature you want I got a box full of different ones?
@wartty Quiet Nature will be fine. Tell if you need something. Breedject Or rare candy. Btw got some new roggenrola breedjects,Togedemaru breedjects,Vullaby breedjects and sandile breedjects.Most of them with egg moves.
Roggenrola-3 egg moves
Tgodemaru-2 egg moves
Vullaby-2 egg moves
Sandile-no egg moves
I have tons of rare mons too from previous games that aren't accesible in sun/moon.

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