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[CLOSED] Anyone got a spare Blazikenite?
I need a Blazikeninte for competitive play, but I don't have enough patience to farm BP... Anyways, I'm offering stuff, request something and I'll see if I can trade it
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
In what game?
@bambam081890 S/M
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
i do, I can attach it to rowlet if you would like.
That would be perfect! So, What can I give you?
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
(Sep 9, 2017, 08:51 PM)ElliotProbablyTheBest Wrote: That would be perfect! So, What can I give you?

I am currently looking for HA Larvitar, Deino, or jangmo
I got HA Tyranitar, One second, I'll breed you a Larvitar
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
It'll be an adamant nature, is that OK?
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!
Yeah, its not for competetive play.

The rowlett is male is that ok?
Yeah, I don't mind
If you need help with IV breeding or if you wanna battle (Mixed OU), feel free to send me a PM!

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