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I was gonna trade for a Dream Ball Gastly with someone a couple of weeks ago, but the person hasn't been online since.
So here I am looking for one again.
I can offer:

DreamB HA Eevee
DreamB HA Omanyte
DreamB HA Togepi
DreamB HA Aerodactyl
DreamB HA Lileep
DreamB HA Murkrow
DreamB HA Pachirisu
DreamB HA Drilbur
DreamB HA Torchic
DreamB HA Charmander
DreamB HA Mudkip
DreamB HA Treecko
DreamB HA Chimchar
DreamB HA Piplup
DreamB HA Tirtouga
DreamB HA Beldum
DreamB HA HootHoot
DreamB HA Munna
DreamB HA Slowpoke
DreamB HA Swablu
DreamB HA Riolu
DreamB HA Shuckle
DreamB HA Bronzor
DreamB HA Igglybuff
DreamB HA Spiritomb
DreamB HA Ralts
DreamB HA Drifloon
DreamB HA Sigilyph
DreamB HA Anorith
DreamB HA Smoochum
DreamB HA Cranidos
DreamB HA Kabuto
DreamB HA Shieldon
DreamB HA Meditite
DreamB HA Magby
DreamB HA Alolan-Vulpix
DreamB HA Staryu
DreamB HA Makuhita
DreamB HA Abra
DreamB HA Squirtle
DreamB HA Wooper
DreamB HA Poliwag
DreamB HA Zubat
DreamB HA Horsea
DreamB HA Carvanha
DreamB HA Spheal
DreamB HA Buneary
DreamB HA Swinub
DreamB HA Elekid
DreamB HA Alolan-Grimer
DreamB HA Chinchou
DreamB HA Lickitung
DreamB HA Bellsprout
DreamB HA Elgyem
DreamB HA Dratini (Need to breed)
DreamB Paras
DreamB Rotom

MoonB HA Rockruff
MoonB HA Starly
MoonB HA Houndour
MoonB HA Ponyta
MoonB HA Snivy
MoonB HA Litwick
MoonB MIsdreavus
MoonB Alolan-vulpix
MoonB Gastly
MoonB Mimikyu
MoonB Cubone
MoonB Alolan-Sandshrew
MoonB Goomy
MoonB Pyukumuku (Can breed HA)

BeastB HA Riolu
BeastB HA Poliwag
BeastB HA Alolan-Vulpix
BeastB HA Pyukumuku
BeastB HA Gible
BeastB HA Bagon
BeastB Wimpod
BeastB Magikarp
BeastB Swinub
BeastB Honedge
BeastB Mimikyu
BeastB Bagon
BeastB Scyther

LoveB HA Alolan-Vulpix
LoveB HA Cleffa
LoveB Salandit
LoveB Ponyta (Can breed HA)
LoveB Wooper (Can breed HA)

LureB HA Tentacool
LureB HA Totodile
LureB HA Mareanie
LureB Staryu

LevelB HA Makuhita
LevelB Rhyhorn
LevelB Pineco (Can breed HA)

HeavyB HA Onix
HeavyB HA Phanpy
HeavyB Wimpod
HeavyB Magnemite
HeavyB Beldum (Illegal)
HeavyB Ponyta (Can breed HA)

FriendB HA Dratini
FriendB Litwick
FriendB Oranguru
FriendB Komala
FriendB Bounsweet

SafariB HA Larvitar
SafariB Cubone (Can breed HA)
SafariB Poliwag (Can breed HA)
SafariB Geodude (Can breed HA)
FastB HA Ponyta
FastB Growlithe

SportB HA Weedle
DiveB HA Nidoran Male/Female

"To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it"
                 VGC, Friend Safari, Masuda
I can get you the Gastly, but I'd be looking to get a Sport Ball Scyther or Sport Ball Caterpie.
Hey @Kris you still need the sport ball caterpie or scyther ?
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
(Oct 3, 2017, 05:57 AM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: Hey @Kris you still need the sport ball caterpie or scyther ?

Scyther yeah, Caterpie not as important
(Oct 3, 2017, 06:00 AM)Kris Wrote:
(Oct 3, 2017, 05:57 AM)Sharkfang2193 Wrote: Hey @Kris you still need the sport ball caterpie or scyther ?

Scyther yeah, Caterpie not as important

Ok I'll get it 2 u when I'm ready
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
Hey @Kris i got the scyther ready 4 u
Words i live by - Good Luck and Chance.
Got you the Gastly.

It's in Y tho, do you mind transferring it? I don't want anything in return.

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