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[DISCUSSION] Back To Where It All Began! Generation 1 Remake Ideas
We all know it's going to happen eventually. Anniversary Remakes of the Generation 1 Pokemon Games. Probably for the 25th Anniversary. A return to the OG Kanto is long overdue, IMO. Just imagine how more surreal the region world look, Pokemon in the overworld, more character interaction, I can just imagine it! Todays question: What are some things you'd like to see for our eventual Kanto remasters? Thank you for participating.

No. 1: Leaf/Red as a secondary rival

Fire Red and Leaf Green gave us the female Protagonist of Kanto, Leaf. However, if you picked Red, Leaf never showed up anywhere ingame and vica-verca. Pokemon Anniversary Red & Blue should fix this by having Leaf or Red as rival NPCs along with Blue. Give them a story of their own, make them a unique character, something that will fit. Leaf/Red can be more of a 'friendly' rival.     
No. 2: Travel to pre-gen 2 Johto

Imagine travelling to a Johto Region 3 years before Ethan and Kris' journey. What would it be like? Who were the Gym Leaders? Where did Giovanni go? All of these are questions I've often asked and made countless theories on, and getting the official answer would be cool. We may see Falkner's father, Norman before he went to Hoenn, and the Rocket executives before rebuilding Team Rocket. The possibilities are endless.

No. 3: A more fleshed out Story

I want a story that follows a similar idea to PokeSpe. More interesting character interactions, choices that really affect the game, a more, grown-up story, if you will. Also a cameo from Yellow would be nice.
Thanks for all the good times~
actually i know its going to happen a remake. they could have done it on DS since gold silver ruby sapphire had their remake on DS, blue red yellow could have come next on DS but ultra sun and ultra moon is the last one, but what i think to open the new pokemon series on nintendo switch why not bring back the OG game that started it all blue red yellow on the switch with 3D grapics and they said open world so we can see an open world rpg blue red yellow on the switch the start the pokemon series journey on the nintendo switch
Everyone else: Why would they make another Kanto remake?
Me: Wynaut? tjfRekt tjfRekt tjfRekt tjfRekt tjfRekt
[Image: Spr_6x_360.png]
(Nov 22, 2017, 07:16 AM)Kris Wrote: We all know it's going to happen eventually. Anniversary Remakes of the Generation 1 Pokemon Games. Probably for the 25th Anniversary. A return to the OG Kanto is long overdue, IMO. Just imagine how more surreal the region world look, Pokemon in the overworld, more character interaction, I can just imagine it! Todays question: What are some things you'd like to see for our eventual Kanto remasters? Thank you for participating.

No. 1: Leaf/Red as a secondary rival

Fire Red and Leaf Green gave us the female Protagonist of Kanto, Leaf. However, if you picked Red, Leaf never showed up anywhere ingame and vica-verca. Pokemon Anniversary Red & Blue should fix this by having Leaf or Red as rival NPCs along with Blue. Give them a story of their own, make them a unique character, something that will fit. Leaf/Red can be more of a 'friendly' rival.     
No. 2: Travel to pre-gen 2 Johto

Imagine travelling to a Johto Region 3 years before Ethan and Kris' journey. What would it be like? Who were the Gym Leaders? Where did Giovanni go? All of these are questions I've often asked and made countless theories on, and getting the official answer would be cool. We may see Falkner's father, Norman before he went to Hoenn, and the Rocket executives before rebuilding Team Rocket. The possibilities are endless.
No. 3: A more fleshed out Story

I want a story that follows a similar idea to PokeSpe. More interesting character interactions, choices that really affect the game, a more, grown-up story, if you will. Also a cameo from Yellow would be nice.

There could be a ROM hack about that.
@ThePokePack Yes, but I'd like an official game haha
Thanks for all the good times~
(Nov 27, 2017, 06:39 PM)Kris Wrote: @ThePokePack Yes, but I'd like an official game haha

While I would both enjoy and appreciate a Kanto remake,  all I really want is new regions and characters.  I want there to be so many games that they can touch on each of the different biomes on the entire planet and each of the interesting Pokemon that can be found there.  New types, new trainers, new clothes, new baddies. New new New!  I want my possibilities to be MORE endless!

But really I'll buy whatever they put out.  I'm such a pokehoe
@Sorianwarrior I'd be like this, only I don't Pokemon Switch to be like Sun and Moon. If Gyms, among other things, aren't in PokeSwitch, count me out.
Thanks for all the good times~
(Nov 28, 2017, 10:51 PM)Kris Wrote: @Sorianwarrior I'd be like this, only I don't Pokemon Switch to be like Sun and Moon. If Gyms, among other things, aren't in PokeSwitch, count me out.

@Kris  agreed.  They need to stick to the formula or something similar where you battle to progress throughout the game.  I might buy newer games for the pokemon but if all they did were, say, contests...... Dodgy
@Sorianwarrior I'm all for something new, just nothing TOO new
Thanks for all the good times~

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