Hello! I'm LF a Dratini that knows the move extremespeed! I don't really need it to have any IVs or HAs, as I already have a few Dratini set up to breed with. I can offer various bred Pokemon with various IVs, such as HA Charmander, aforementioned Dratini with HAs, Eevee, Gible, Ferroseed iwth egg moves, Staryu, Gastly, Scyther, Togepi, Swinub with egg movesmoves, Fletchling, Marrils, and am currently breeding HA Chimchars! Thanks for helping if you do!
(Jan 5, 2015, 10:25 PM)dominickdej01 Wrote: anything you want for a HA dratini im always in the market for hidden ability pokemon
I'm always looking for interesting Pokemon that can lead to a competitive build. The thing I really need now though is a HA Eevee! But if you have anything interesting, that would be great and let me know! If not, I think I should still be able to breed nice one for you and I can just give it you!