Hey, everybody! It's 0kamii, and today I debut a new series focused entirely on fanart!
"Fix That Pokémon" is a series that I came up with thanks to the help of my partner, Flaine. We were talking about some pokémon designs that we felt were lacking, over/under-designed, or just left something to be desired. We also talked about some missed opportunities with design, and after a few sketches, we realized we have enough for a series! So for this series' debut post, we're going to be redesigning my least favorite Eeveelution, Glaceon!
"Fix That Pokémon" is a series that I came up with thanks to the help of my partner, Flaine. We were talking about some pokémon designs that we felt were lacking, over/under-designed, or just left something to be desired. We also talked about some missed opportunities with design, and after a few sketches, we realized we have enough for a series! So for this series' debut post, we're going to be redesigning my least favorite Eeveelution, Glaceon!
Official Design:
![[Image: photo.jpg]](https://yt3.ggpht.com/-pB_yR1sn46g/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/dndt3My8eEM/s900-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg)
![[Image: photo.jpg]](https://yt3.ggpht.com/-pB_yR1sn46g/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/dndt3My8eEM/s900-c-k-no-mo-rj-c0xffffff/photo.jpg)
Not that Glaceon's design is terrible, Flaine and I just thought that it could've gone in competely different directions. It's a Ice-Type, and Ice-Types have a habit of looking quite regal and majestic (sans Cryogonal and Kyurem). So when Flaine and I were doing our designs, I decided to base mine on an arctic fox.
![[Image: VyqmPxO.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/VyqmPxO.jpg)
I went all out with the fluffy mane, one of Eevee's trademarks. I also added a crest made of icicles to give my Glaceon a more empowering feel. I also felt like it was important to keep Glaceon's colors, because its colors fit very well, it's just the design that felt off to us. I also shortened the ears, as real arctic foxes have shorter ears for warmth purposes. In case you didn't know, a lot of heat escapes the body through the ears, so shorter ears are quite useful in a bitterly cold biome. Not only that, but having stouter ears reduces the chance of the skin freezing and snapping off. Yes, that can happen. Overall, I really like the way my Glaceon turned out. However, Flaine took a different approach.
![[Image: MYZc4Mq.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/MYZc4Mq.jpg)
Flaine also based his Glaceon on an arctic fox, but he stylized his a bit more than I bit. He kept the ears the same length, but he added icicles to its ears, which in my opinion is a VERY nice touch. He toned down the mane, and made the tail a lot more swirly than fluffy. Flaine's Glaceon is also a bit skinniner than mine, but it makes the tail look a lot bigger, which was probably intentional. He also incorporated swirls into the mane, though honestly I forget the reason. It was most likely to continue the 'Dance of the Snowflake' motif he had going on with the whole design. Flaine also kept Glaceon's original colors, only he leaned more towards the brighter colors of Glaceon's Shiny form.
Overall, I think both of these Glaceon are fantastic, and I can't thank Flaine enough for his awesome artwork. It's far outside my skill set. We'd also love to see what YOU GUYS think Glaceon should have looked like, so please post your Glaceon redesigns in the thread below. Once we have at least three, we will select our favorite and the winner will receive a Battle Tree item of their choice (including Mega Stones), so be sure to comment with your redesign!
Thanks so much for drawing, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
Overall, I think both of these Glaceon are fantastic, and I can't thank Flaine enough for his awesome artwork. It's far outside my skill set. We'd also love to see what YOU GUYS think Glaceon should have looked like, so please post your Glaceon redesigns in the thread below. Once we have at least three, we will select our favorite and the winner will receive a Battle Tree item of their choice (including Mega Stones), so be sure to comment with your redesign!

Thanks so much for drawing, everyone! Battle onwards, friends!
- 0kamii
Amethyst Ωmega - Guild Leader/Founder