Dec 30, 2014, 11:56 PM
(Dec 20, 2014, 10:17 PM)SCf3 Wrote: Now that all of my Pokemon are transferred to ORAS, I realized how many breeding rejects I actually have. Here are the (random) Pokemon I have for trade & what I'm seeking:hey i have some wider guard honedge's for trade.calm,careful,timid and naive.i can breed some if you want.i even have dusk stones.i wanted to trade them for a salamence.
- 4IV Adamant Shellder w/Shell Armor
- 5IV Jolly Taillow w/Guts
- 5IV Timid Gastly w/Levitate
- 5IV Timid Abra w/Synchronize
- 5IV Adamant Barboach w/Anticipation
- Volt Absorb Pachirisu rejects, lots of different natures. (Modest, Adamant, Calm, Brave, Jolly, Impish, Bold)
- Jolly 3-5IV Sand Veil/Rough Skin Gibles
- 4IV Adamant Larvitar w/Guts
- Jolly Infiltrator Espurrs, at least 3IVs.
- 5IV Bold Bulbasaur w/Chlorophyll
- HA Modest Nidoran, unsure of IVs.
- 4IV Jolly Sneasel w/Pickpocket. (knows Fake Out & Icicle Crash)
- 4IV Modest Vulpix w/Drought.
- 5IV Modest Squirtle w/Rain Dish
- 5IV Calm Frillish w/Cursed Body
- 4-5IV Jolly/Adamant/other natures Bagons
- 5IV Adamant Hawlucha w/Limber
- 4-5IV Jolly Smeargle w/Technician & Own Tempo
- BATTLE READY 5IV Jolly Salamence
- 6IV Timid Shiny Mime Jr. w/Filter
- 4IV-5IV Quiet Honedges
- Also offering a bunch of Pokedex fillers (Legends too!), I had a Living Dex on Y so I might be able to help you out!
- Any competitive VGC '15 pokes!
- Timid Bagon, 5IVs no Attack
- Timid Pichu w/Lightning Rod 5IVs (no attack) or 6IVs
- Wide Guard Honedge
- Dusk Stone