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[TRADE] LF: Battle Maison Items
I am looking for a choice specs, choice band, eject button and a toxic orb. I'd be really glad if you could help me out.
Just name if there is something in return that you're looking for.
“BLEH!” A sophisticated Shuppet.
I can get you all four of those things. If you have a timid keldeo or duplicating abilities, or a bold slowbro, I would like one of those in return.
(Jan 9, 2015, 07:05 AM)Use1her1name Wrote: I can get you all four of those things. If you have a timid keldeo or duplicating abilities, or a bold slowbro, I would like one of those in return.

I sadly do not have either of those. Is there anything else I can offer you?
“BLEH!” A sophisticated Shuppet.
Perhaps a calm Magic guard clefable? What kind of things do you have to offer?
(Jan 9, 2015, 07:39 AM)Use1her1name Wrote: Perhaps a calm Magic guard clefable? What kind of things do you have to offer?

HA Squirtle with egg moves, Grimer HA, HA Vulpix, Phione.
“BLEH!” A sophisticated Shuppet.
Eh I don't really want any of that, but I'll just give you the stuff for free
(Jan 9, 2015, 08:02 AM)Use1her1name Wrote: Eh I don't really want any of that, but I'll just give you the stuff for free

Really? That's great! I'll be available 15 min.
“BLEH!” A sophisticated Shuppet.
Alright cool. I added you
IGN: Michael
(Jan 9, 2015, 08:07 AM)Use1her1name Wrote: Alright cool. I added you
IGN: Michael

I'm here.
“BLEH!” A sophisticated Shuppet.
Very sorry, I had to run an errand

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